Redesigned Learning Section for Healthy Behavior Change

Level2 (part of UnitedHealthcare)
Native app Learning section update
Redesign of the initial native app’s Learning section
Organizing content by the specialty care program’s phases
Lead UX designer
Work Completed
Design, wireframes and interaction details

Let’s have a conversation to discuss this project

Initial Learning section wireframes

Initial wireframe for Phase tabn avigationInitial wireframe for Category tab navigation
Saved tab wireframeFind tab wireframe


Just one more screen...

Many details and states to properly illustrate the full functionality of this updated section. This project also made for the right time to start properly working through the Light and Dark modes of the app.

Overview of all screens designed for Learning section

Phase tab

Phase tab designs

Phase styles

Phase style screens

Category tab

Category flow and topic details

Category styles

Category styles

“Design to development” details board examples

Example of design direction for development team

Displaying external content

A number of good content articles existed in a WordPress managed blog. Direction was provided to the development team for the needed template edits to optimize the content in the app. This provided a way to quickly leverage existing content with future plans to move those articles to the CMS used for the app.

Direction for updating the template editing for an imported article