Health & Wellness Member Portal Redesign

RedBrick Health (merged with Virgin Pulse)
Member Portal Redesign
Increase user engagement with portal features
Card-based UI for various engagement points
Lead UX Designer
Work Completed
Wireframes and interaction details

Welcome path

Member’s first visit

Initial view for member's first visit with focus on "Get personalized suggestions." card. Card approach for portal content and functions with three views of each card: Initial, Expanded, and Details. One is always set as the primary and in its expanded view.

Initial view with focus on "Get personalized suggestions."

Topics card expanded

User has tapped / clicked on the topics card. Cards are dynamically resized and moved.

Topics card is expanded

Rewards card expanded

Viewing expanded Rewards card

Video card example expanded

Viewing expanded video card

Returning path

Active member example

Rewards card is now primary with its expanded view to acknowledge completion and draw awareness to next CTA.

Rewards is the primary card

Rewards details view

Member has followed "See your rewards adding up." link. List of all available rewards and their status with applicable dates are displayed.

Rewards details in sheet view

Partner with a coach

Expanded card with CTA for scheduling a call and presenting the next available days and times.

"Partner with a coach" is expanded

Tracking activity

Graph indicating current aggregate activity level rating for the week and making other time frames available. Also showing breakdown across the three primary health areas.

"Track your activity" is the focus