Flows and Interaction Details

Omnichannel marketing, campaign planning and tracking

These user flows helped our diverse team understand the full context and key details for each of the campaign elements.

User flow from direct marketing campaigns.User flow from targeted ads and social networks.

Distributed authoring workflow

One of the many benefits of a large, enterprise-level content management system is the ability to move simple content updates from developers to copywriters, managers and business partners. I met with a number of those representatives in the organization, along with our development team, and assembled a concept deck to capture the necessary process and editor functionality. This workflow captures a writer's process to edit currently published content.

Distributed authoring workflow diagram

Autocomplete interaction details for advisor search

A favorite small project was working through the flow and interaction details for improving a ”Find an Advisor“ search function.

The original search form was typical with a text entry field or dropdown for each searchable data element. There was: First name, Last name, Team name, Address, and City along with a dropdown for selecting the State.

The key problem was a user entering information that could return a null result. A horrible experience and metrics showed a high bounce rate for the results page. Why don’t we bring our data to the user and let them sift through it to more easily and directly find a specific advisor or close office location?

I worked with our analytics manager to track the new work and we had tremendous success. We reduced the result page’s bounce rate by a factor of 10 as users easily and directly found advisor and team pages.

Tile details for teams and users

I love working through details to cover all the various statuses a user may encounter in a site or app experience. From null values to minimum and maximum characters and values, I strive to ensure the design considers all of those to help further refine system and application functionality development.

As part of RedBrick’s comprehensive health and wellness platform, internal corporate teams could take part in fitness challenges against other teams. There were a number of possible options that needed to be displayed as part of the team’s tile and I worked through those to help drive requirements and user stories for development.